Q.B. :

Officina di pensieri, scartoffie, bottoni, dolciumi e intrecci: di lane e di idee!

domenica 9 ottobre 2011

Dedicated to my grandfather!

In the day of my 25th birthday I had by my best friends aaaaaalllll the material to paint...But i've never did it seriously; after some thoughts I decided that this will be my first framework...I hope to do a good job!!!!  Wish me good luck eheh.... U_U' !!! And now let's paint!

venerdì 7 ottobre 2011

Concept Library:

This is the center section of my home bookshelf, there are two vertical spaces and a central section...It's time to give them a soul. I think that I will project 2 lamps to say that "Happiness is real only when shared" ( from Walden ) ...in the center I will put a box printed with an Andy Warhol picture! ...mumbling >.< ! First sketch :

giovedì 6 ottobre 2011

So critical So fashion

Moustache Style è un cross media project, che raccoglie stili di vita e consumi culturali: un’agenzia che fonde design, comunicazione e moda; non è solo brand, ma un percorso tra stili e prodotti in un’unica visione, sinonimo di ricerca, creatività, unicità.
Un team di artisti/designer mette a frutto competenze specifiche, di stile e di uso quotidiano del design e della moda, accostandosi ai differenti settori in maniera trasversale, al riparo dal sole, sotto un grande baffo.
Si propongono furniture design (per il settore retail, privato ed eventi), accessori e capi d’abbigliamento sartoriali (con servizio tailor made) in collezioni limited edition dal gusto bon ton, con simmetrie corpose e rimandi all’arte contemporanea.
I consumi illuminati sono una conseguenza della recessione: ci si domanda cosa si acquista e si indossa, che utilizzo si fa del proprio denaro e soprattutto del proprio tempo. Moustache Style propone una terza via tra arte e consumo: la fascinazione verso la vita di tutti i giorni e il consumo che si fa di qualsiasi cosa sono gli unici terreni sui quali si può davvero incidere e fare la differenza. Un capo d’abbigliamento che racconta una storia unica, un accessorio prezioso, uno specchio del secolo scorso riportato a nuova luce: tutte facce di una visione. Un punto di vista che permette di percorrere tragitti singolari e acquistare capi e oggetti unici a prezzi pop.

Watching tv :

sabato 1 ottobre 2011

Reuse in Architecture!

RAKE Showroom / RAKE visningsrom

By  — Filed under: Pavilion ,Selected , 
Architects: RAKE visningsrom
Project Year: 2011
Photographs: Courtesy of RAKE visningsrom
The showroom RAKE is the latest addition to Trondheim’s art landscape. It is the result of a student workshop in which thirty students from the architecture schools of Trondheim, Oslo and Bergen joined forces to design and construct this new exhibition space for art and architecture. A majority of the materials used in the construction of the room came from a nearby office building set for demolition. This reveals the theme and guiding principle behind the project: Reuse. Reuse as in using old materials, but just as importantly; when utilizing new ones, doing this in a manner that allows the process to continue. RAKE is the brainchild of four students from NTNU, who invited their peers to participate in their creative endeavor. These architects-in-the-making met for the first time in May, and proceeded to work out the specifics of what is now RAKE. Throughout the project Tyin Tegnestue, architect August Schmidt and artist Charlotte Rostad were at hand to offer input and assistance. In August the colleagues and collaborators met again, this time hammers and nails replaced pen and paper. In twelve days they built an exhibition space, which cannot help but induce curiosity; its walls consisting of two layers of reused windows, and the ceiling – three layers of doors. Yet, the most unique feature of the room may be its floor, made out of massive wooden cubes crafted by a local farmer. While a number of RAKE’s features are ‘outside the box’, its interior space is a traditional white cube, ready to display works by both national and international artists and architects. Through this project the students wanted to contribute to Trondheim’s cultural scene and show that the reuse of materials can lead to a both inspirational and aesthetically pleasing construction. The showroom is run by local artists and architects, and the first show opened on the 9th of September – a collaboration between architect Fredrik Lund and artist Anne-Karin Furunes.

Better than the original!